Maizuru Murder Case

Defendant: Naka Katsumi


Man acquitted of schoolgirl murder

December 12, 2012(Mainichi Japan)


OSAKA — The Osaka High Court on Wednesday acquitted a 64-year-old man in the May 2008 murder of a high school girl in Maizuru, Kyoto Prefecture, overturning a lower court conviction.

The Kyoto District Court in May 2011 sentenced Katsumi Naka to life for murdering Miho Kosugi, 15, while attempting to molest her. He was convicted partly on the basis of facts that only the murderer could have known.

In Wednesday's decision, however, presiding Judge Masayuki Kawai said there were no facts presented that would have been known only to the culprit.

The judge acknowledged the testimony of one of the two eyewitnesses that indicated the defendant was with the victim before she was killed. But he said the testimony of another eyewitness was not reliable, noting descriptions of the victim's clothes and appearance were initially vague.

Regarding the defendant's deposition about the victim's makeup pouch and underwear — the basis of the lower court's conviction — the high court pointed out the defendant could have guessed or been coached to offer the details during the course of a police grilling.

Man acquitted of murdering high school girl in retrial

December 12, 2012(Mainichi Japan)

OSAKA -- The Osaka High Court on Dec. 12 overturned a lower court ruling that had sentenced a 64-year-old man to life-imprisonment over the killing of a 15-year-old girl in 2008, finding him not guilty of murder.

Acquitted of the killing of 15-year-old Miho Kosugi was Katsumi Naka, 64. Naka had protested his innocence while public prosecutors had sought the death penalty.

No weapons or other physical evidence were found in the case, and the focus of Naka's trial had been on circumstantial evidence. An earlier district court ruling accepted details presented by public prosecutors, including an eyewitness's testimony that Naka had been seen with Kosugi near the time of the killing and his deposition showing that he had provided details of her belongings during the investigation stage of the case, and sentenced him to life imprisonment.

In an appeal hearing in June, lawyers for Naka noted that the man who said he had seen Naka changed his explanation, and argued that Naka had been coaxed by investigators when he made statements during the investigation stage. They accordingly argued that he was innocent.

Public prosecutors, on the other hand, said there no mistakes in the district court ruling and that Naka should be handed the death penalty.

Naka had stood accused of killing Kosuki, a first-year student at a high school, in the Kyoto Prefecture city of Maizuru, on May 7, 2008, with the intention of sexually molesting her.

~~~~ 2012/12/12 Acquitted! ~~~~~


Guilty ruling overturned in Kyoto murder

OSAKA (Jiji Press)--The Osaka High Court overturned a lower court ruling Wednesday to find Katsumi Naka, 64, not guilty of the 2008 murder of a 15-year-old high school girl in Maizuru, Kyoto Prefecture.

Presiding Judge Masayuki Kawaai said, "Reasonable doubt remains about finding him guilty." Naka was released from jail Wednesday afternoon.

The Kyoto District Court in May last year sentenced Naka to life in prison for murder and indecent assault resulting in the death of Miho Kosugi.

(Dec. 13, 2012)


Man acquitted of schoolgirl murder

Thursday, Dec. 13, 2012


OSAKA — The Osaka High Court on Wednesday acquitted a 64-year-old man in the May 2008 murder of a high school girl in Maizuru, Kyoto Prefecture, overturning a lower court conviction.

The Kyoto District Court in May 2011 sentenced Katsumi Naka to life for murdering Miho Kosugi, 15, while attempting to molest her. He was convicted partly on the basis of facts that only the murderer could have known.

In Wednesday's decision, however, presiding Judge Masayuki Kawai said there were no facts presented that would have been known only to the culprit.

The judge acknowledged the testimony of one of the two eyewitnesses that indicated the defendant was with the victim before she was killed. But he said the testimony of another eyewitness was not reliable, noting descriptions of the victim's clothes and appearance were initially vague.

Regarding the defendant's deposition about the victim's makeup pouch and underwear — the basis of the lower court's conviction — the high court pointed out the defendant could have guessed or been coached to offer the details during the course of a police grilling.


Prosecutors to appeal against life term over murder of Kyoto student

Tuesday 31st May, KYOTO —

The Kyoto District Prosecutors Office has decided to lodge an appeal with the Osaka High Court against the life sentence given to a 62-year-old man for the murder of a female high school student in Maizuru, Kyoto Prefecture, in 2008, sources close to the matter said Monday.

Prosecutors had demanded the death penalty for Katsumi Naka for killing Miho Kosugi, 15, as he attempted to molest her on her way home on May 7, 2008. Naka, who had pleaded not guilty, lodged an appeal with the high court the day he was sentenced to life in prison by the Kyoto District Court in its May 18 ruling. Prosecutors will finalize the decision by Wednesday, the due date for lodging an appeal, the sources said.

Man given life term for murder of high school girl

KYOTO (Kyodo) -- The Kyoto District Court on Wednesday sentenced a 62-year-old man to life in prison for murdering a female high school student in Maizuru, Kyoto Prefecture, in May 2008. Katsumi Naka denied that he had murdered Miho Kosugi, 15, while attempting to molest her, but Presiding Judge Akiyoshi Sasano said, "There is no doubt that the defendant is the culprit." "It was a cruel crime for the purpose of sexual molestation and the defendant denied a 15-year-old girl of her future without reason," Sasano said. Prosecutors had sought the death penalty. While the prosecutors did not present any direct evidence linking Naka to the crime, such as a murder weapon or fingerprints, they argued that footage from a surveillance camera near the scene of the crime and the testimonies of two eyewitnesses indicated he was with the victim immediately before she was killed. His defense counsel argued that the quality of the video footage did not allow for the person in it to be identified and that the witness testimonies were unreliable. But the court rejected the defense claims. Naka murdered Kosugi while she was on her way home on May 7, 2008, by beating her head and face with a blunt object in a wooded area in Maizuru, according to the ruling. As he was indicted before the introduction of the lay judge system, his case was only examined by three professional judges. Naka was initially arrested for theft, but police searched his home over the murder case, stirring criticism that the theft charges were used to gather evidence for the murder investigation. (Mainichi Japan) May 19, 2011
~~~~~~~~~~~~ 舞鶴高1殺害、中被告に無期懲役判決 京都地裁 20115181925
 京都府舞鶴市で2008年5月、府立高校1年の小杉美穂さん(当時15)が殺害された事件で、殺人と強制わいせつ致死の罪に問われた無職中(なか)勝美被告(62)の判決が18日、京都地裁であった。笹野明義裁判長は「被告が犯人であることに疑いはなく、15歳の命を奪った結果は重大だ」として被告側の無罪主張を退け、無期懲役(求刑死刑)を言い渡した。被告側は控訴する方針。  判決によると、中被告は08年5月7日未明、偶然出会った被害者に舞鶴市の朝来(あせく)川岸付近でわいせつ行為をしたうえ、顔や頭を鈍器で何度も殴って殺害した。被告は09年4月の逮捕から一貫して否認。被告と事件を直接結びつける証拠がないまま、裁判員制度導入直前の同月末に起訴された。  判決は、現場近くの道路を歩く被告に似た男と若い女性を見たとする地元住民の証言と、道路に設置された3カ所の防犯カメラの画像を踏まえ、「証言とカメラの画像から認められる男女の特徴は矛盾せず、一緒に歩く男女は被告と被害者だ」と判断した。  そのうえで被告が被害者を殺害したかどうか検討。捜査段階で被告が「知人男性が被害者のポーチや衣類を川に捨てるのを見た」とした供述について、「ポーチの色や形状は公表されておらず、こうした特徴を知るのは犯人のほかに考えられない」と指摘。「取調官の誘導で供述した」「別の人物が殺害した」とした被告側の主張を退けた



 ◇検察、3点セットで立証  ◇弁護側、全面無罪を主張  京都府舞鶴市で08年に府立高1年の女子生徒が殺害された事件で、殺人と強制わいせつ致死の罪に問われた中勝美(なかかつみ)被告(62)に対する判決が18日午後3時、京都地裁で言い渡される。別の窃盗容疑で逮捕され、起訴直後に府警が殺人などの容疑で自宅に家宅捜索に入るなど異例の展開をたどったが、被告と事件を結びつける直接的証拠はないままだ。検察側は状況証拠を積み重ねて死刑を求刑し、被告側は無罪を主張している。【古屋敷尚子】  事件発生から約半年後の08年11月15日、府警は中被告をさい銭などの窃盗容疑で逮捕。起訴2日後の同28日、弁護人立ち会いの下、6日間連続で殺人・死体遺棄容疑で自宅を家宅捜索した。物証は見つからなかったが09年4月、府警は殺人などの容疑で逮捕。裁判員制度が始まる約1カ月前に起訴された。  検察側立証のよりどころは▽現場から300メートル離れた地点で「被告に似た男が若い女性といるのを見た」とする証言▽男女とみられる2人が映った現場近くの防犯ビデオの画像について、「被告に極めて似ている」とする鑑定▽「知人が被害者のポーチや化粧品を捨てるのを見た」と被告が遺留品の詳細を供述したこと--の3点。  落ち度のない少女をわいせつ目的で襲ったという動機▽鈍器でめった打ちにし、遺体を埋めるなどした手口▽更生可能性▽遺族感情--などから「被害者が1人でも死刑を回避する事情にはならない」と極刑を求めた。  弁護側は、目撃証言やビデオ画像の鑑定の信用性を全面的に争い、被害者の遺留品に関して「検察官は実際の遺留品に合致する供述だけを調書にしている」などと反論。「状況証拠の中に被告が犯人でなければ説明できない事実はない」と無罪を主張している。  ◇「状況証拠、質が焦点」  甲南大法科大学院の渡辺修教授(刑事訴訟法)は「状況証拠の検討から犯行状況が浮かび上がるかが問題で、証拠の質が決め手だ。今回は犯行前の状況証拠に偏り、証拠の質も良いとは言えないのではないか」と見ている。 ==============  ■ことば  ◇舞鶴女子高生殺害事件  京都府舞鶴市の府立高校1年の女子高生(当時15歳)が08年5月6日夜、自宅を出てから行方不明になり、同8日、約7キロ離れた雑木林で遺体で発見された。顔などを激しく殴打され失血死だった。府警は同年11月、現場近くに住む中勝美被告を窃盗容疑で逮捕。同罪での実刑判決後の09年4月、殺人などの容疑で逮捕し、京都地検が殺人と強制わいせつ致死の罪で起訴した。中被告は一貫して否認している。


舞鶴女子高生殺害:18日に判決 状況証拠から死刑求刑

 京都府舞鶴市で08年に府立高1年の女子生徒が殺害された事件で、殺人と強制わいせつ致死の罪に問われた中勝美(なか・かつみ)被告(62)に対する判決が18日午後3時、京都地裁で言い渡される。別の窃盗容疑で逮捕され、起訴直後に府警が殺人などの容疑で自宅に家宅捜索に入るなど異例の展開をたどったが、被告と事件を結びつける直接的証拠はないままだ。検察側は状況証拠を積み重ねて死刑を求刑し、被告側は無罪を主張している。  事件発生から約半年後の08年11月15日、府警は中被告をさい銭などの窃盗容疑で逮捕。起訴2日後の同28日、弁護人立ち会いの下、6日間連続で殺人・死体遺棄容疑で自宅を家宅捜索した。物証は見つからなかったが09年4月、府警は殺人などの容疑で逮捕。裁判員制度が始まる約1カ月前に起訴された。  検察側の立証のよりどころは▽現場から約300メートル離れた地点で「被告に似た男が若い女性といるのを見た」とする目撃証言▽男女とみられる2人が映った現場近くの防犯ビデオの画像について、「被告に極めて似ている」とする鑑定▽「知人が被害者のポーチや化粧品を捨てるのを見た」と被告が遺留品の詳細を供述したこと--の3点。  落ち度のない少女をわいせつ目的で襲ったという動機▽鈍器でめった打ちにし、遺体を埋めるなどした手口▽更生可能性▽遺族感情--などから「被害者が1人でも死刑を回避する事情にはならない」として極刑を求めた。  弁護側は、目撃証言やビデオ画像の鑑定の信用性を全面的に争い、被害者の遺留品に関して「検察官は実際の遺留品に合致する供述だけを調書にしている」などと反論。「状況証拠の中に被告が犯人でなければ説明できない事実はない」と無罪を主張している。【古屋敷尚子】 毎日新聞 2011516日 2144分(最終更新 516日 2259分)

舞鶴・高1殺害 18日判決 状況証拠 対立の構図













 舞鶴女子高生殺害事件 小杉美穂さんは2008年5月6日夜に外出し、8日朝、舞鶴市の朝来(あせく)川沿いの雑木林で遺体で発見された。京都府警は09年4月、窃盗罪で服役中の中勝美被告を殺人と死体遺棄容疑で逮捕。京都地検は同月、殺人、強制わいせつ致死両罪で起訴した。公判前整理手続きは約1年5か月にわたって24回行われ、公判は10回開かれた。
2011516 読売新聞)

Man pleads not guilty of 15-year-old girl's murder in Kyoto as trial starts December, 21 2010 KYOTO —

A man charged with murdering a 15-year-old high school girl in 2008 pleaded not guilty during his first hearing at the Kyoto District Court on Tuesday. Katsumi Naka, 62, said the allegations that he beat Miho Kosugi to death in an attempt to sexually assault her in Maizuru, Kyoto Prefecture, in May 2008 ‘‘are all fabrications, lies and wrong’’ and that ‘‘I’m innocent.’‘ Prosecutors have not submitted any direct evidence, such as a murder weapon, to link Naka with the crime, and the focus of the trial is on circumstantial evidence, including footage from a surveillance camera that captured two persons who are said to look like Kosugi and Naka near the crime scene. Police initially arrested Naka for theft in November 2008, some six months after the murder, and searched his home for six days in the presence of his lawyer, seizing some 2,000 items. They were unable, however, to find any direct evidence proving Naka’s involvement in the murder. As he was indicted before the lay judge system was introduced, he is being tried by three professional judges, who are expected to hand down a ruling on him next spring or later.


Man pleads innocent over killing of high school girl in Kyoto (Mainichi Japan) December 21, 2010
Prosecutors Appeal for Death
2011/05/18 Guilty: Sentenced to Life Imprisonment
2011/05/16 Pretrial Publicity (Japanese)
2010/12/21 Kyoto DC 1st Hearing Naka pleads not guilty.

Naka trial

People line up for public gallery tickets in the first hearing in the trial over the killing of a female high school student at the Kyoto District Court in Kyoto's Nakagyo Ward on Dec. 21. (Mainichi) KYOTO -- A 62-year-old man on trial over the murder of a female high school student branded the charges against him as "lies" as the first hearing in the case opened in the Kyoto District Court on Dec. 21. The 62-year-old defendant, Katsumi Naka, is facing charges of murder and indecent assault resulting in death in connection with the May 2008 killing of the student. When asked to respond to the charges against him, Naka protested his innocence. "It's all nonsense and lies, and it's wrong. I'm innocent," Naka told the court. Lawyers for Naka say that he was "not at all involved" in the crime. While there is no influential physical evidence in the case, public prosecutors say that the charges can be proven based on an accumulation of circumstantial evidence. Accordingly, the prosecution and defense are set to go head-to-head in the trial. In their opening statements, public prosecutors revealed their opinion that Naka had met the victim on a prefectural road while traveling home from a bar by bicycle at about 1:20 a.m. on May 7, 2008. They argued that he had traveled to the murder scene in Maizuru, Kyoto Prefecture, with her, citing security cameras along the road and sightings at several places, including a nearby intersection. In explaining the motive for the crime they said that Naka had indecently assaulted the victim. Prosecutors pointed out that during questioning Naka had stated, "On the morning of May 7, I saw an acquaintance discarding the victim's clothing and makeup," adding that he had sent a prosecutor a letter containing the names of the "group of real criminals." They said this was an attempt to pin the blame on the acquaintance, and exposed secrets that only the real criminal would know. Lawyers, meanwhile, argued that the security camera footage was not clear enough to identify specific people and that the sightings were made at night by people who were driving, casting doubt over whether Naka could actually be identified. They said Naka had no clear recollection of what happened on the day. Regarding the information about the victim's possessions, the defense said Naka could have been led by investigators. They said that since the incident occurred in darkness, it was necessary to conduct an investigation under the same conditions when examining Naka's statements and eyewitness testimonies. Since the killing occurred prior to the introduction of the citizen judge system, the case is being judged by three professional judges without any lay judges.